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Welcome, rate your school or lectures anonymously

Hey there! , You have something you wanna say about your school or lecture? You are in the right place. In case you don't find your institute or lec, just hit that add button. Oh, and by the way, your info is like totally incognito

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It shouldn’t be hard

So, how does it even work?

Rate Chuo is your go-to spot for sharing and discovering the inside scoop on schools and lectures. This space is all about you, and here's the lowdown:

Manage and Edit you Ratings

You can manage and edit your ratings and reviews from your profile page. You can also delete your reviews if you want to.

You are Anonimous

We don't share your personal information with anyone. Your reviews are anonymous.

Like and Dislike

Love a review? Give it a thumbs up! Not vibing with it? Hit dislike. Oh, and if you spot something fishy, report it. I will definitely look at it.

Made By A Student

Made by a student for students. This is a non-profit project.Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Made with by rightson